| 1. | On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords . 他衣服和大腿上写着他的名字“万王之王,万主之主”。
| 2. | You have won a great victory , my king of kings 陛下打了个大胜仗,我的王中之王。
| 3. | He of sedge and bee , king of kings , son of ra , 拥有上下埃及,王中之王,太阳神之子
| 4. | King of kings over two memory card introduction 万王之王2记忆翻牌游戏攻略
| 5. | It was the crown of the king of kings jesus 它是万王之王耶稣所戴的冠冕。
| 6. | You have won a great victory , my king of kings 您刚刚赢得了一个大胜仗我亲爱的万王之王
| 7. | King of kings find uncomfortable 2 introduction 万王之王2找别扭游戏攻略
| 8. | This certainly is the cup of the king of kings 这当然是王中之王的杯子
| 9. | Be careful , king of kings . first you need the victory 小心喏,王上王。你先得打赢才行。
| 10. | Be careful , king of kings . first , you need the victory 小心,万王之王前提是你要打胜才行